Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another potential income stream out of the blue: Jewelry making!

In what is quickly becoming a weekly trip to one of many craft stores here in my area, I stumbled across what could very easily turn into a new hobby/potential stream of income: Jewelry making!

This is a tried and true way of making a living for many of my friends, one of whom I have spotlighted here already, (Mary Mills Designs) and another I plan to spotlight in the coming week. Be on the lookout for a blog post on Gabriella Designs by Maryann Peper-Reynolds. These ladies have years of experience making beautiful, wearable artwork (and other items), and I've always been a fan of their work. Many times, in my journeyings through Michaels or Joann Fabrics I've come across the necessary means to make jewelry and always shrug it off as best left to the professionals.

Something changed that today. I found some really interesting pieces that I just knew would make for beautiful earrings and I was pulled to make them today. No more waiting, no more "oh that's for other people" just a pure pull of instinct that I must make these now!

Below are the pictures of my first pair of earrings I've made, and now that they have sold already: a very positive sign for a novice jewelry maker, I know they definitely won't be my last. It's not so much the ability to create and make money at it, as I could have easily kept these pretty earrings for myself, it's more about creating something YOU like, and then having other people like it enough to want to buy it. That is a feeling beyond words to have someone really enjoy something you made.  It's the way I feel whenever someone asks me to knit them something. Just pure love.

So I say to you, if something is calling your name to make it, create it, make it your own, why are you ignoring your instinct? Go with it and make it everything you want it to be! If you end up giving the wonderful gift out to the world to purchase, you'll be quite surprised at the responses you get.

If you love these as much as I do, and must have a pair please check out my Etsy Store. I can get these made again super quick and shipped within a day of purchase. <3

Enjoy, create and be happy!


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